Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Words of Inspiration and Motivation

A quote from Abigai A. Eliot:
Of her Unitarian faith, Eliot said, "Religion has always been an important part of my life- a subconscious influence, as well as a conscious."

Here is an excerpts from Elizabeth P. Peabody View on Kindergarten. She followed the prescriptions set by the German, Fredrick Froebel, whom was the founder of the movement.
A basic assumption in Froebel's philosophy was his belief in the innate goodness of the child, who under the guidance of a trained teacher can unfold and blossom into sef-fillment.

The Media Segment from Week 2
Does Having Passion for Your Work Even Matter? by Curt Rosengren
He quoted that passion: It's an energy source, It helps you feel more confident, and It feeds your persistence.

Pursuing Passion by John Hagel
I enjoyed reading his article because it was so much information on passion, but I will quote several of them.
1. Passion comes from within each of us; it cannot be imposed or mandated from outside. At the same time, it compels us to move outside, to engage with the world around us.
2. I am focused on the other kind of passion-the passion of explorers.
3. Passion is professional
4. Passion is about progression
5. Passion is about connecting
6. Passion is not predictable
7. Passion is about risk-taking
Sorry if I went overboard with the quotes, but I was feeling where he was coming from.


  1. Hi LaCasa,

    I loved that you wrote about Passion! I completely agree with both of the articles regarding Passion. If someone is not happy with what ever profession they are in, they have no passion. Everyone should be doing something they feel passionate about! I am one of the lucky ones that still loves and is still excited by my job!


  2. Hi Christina!

    Thanks and I agree with you that everyone should be passsion about what they do because then they results will show that they care. If you are not passion about what you do, then you are not going to put your best effort into it.

  3. I aslo really enjoyed reading the passage from Hagel, I like the way he broke down the steps to pursue passion. Having passion will surley show in your work and might even be passed on to others. I enjoyed your post.
