Monday, August 18, 2014

Time Well Spent

I have an unlimited amount of learning from this program. I would like to share what I have been taught.

Children live in the present and have a wide range of capacities and abilities that adapt to the culture and context of their daily lives and the circumstance under which they learn and grow makes a big difference.

Early experiences carry forward into adult life. Children’s daily experiences are vivid and deeply felt whether they have bad or mediocre experiences which possibly may not be harmful in the long run, but may lead to considerable unhappiness.

Children who have intimate relationships at home, whose physical and emotional needs are met and who have friendships with other children are primed to learn from the world around them. New experiences and challenges provide them with the learning they need for later competencies.

Children need regular opportunities for vigorous and sustained play such as rough-and-tumble activities, crawling through tubes, ball throwing, jumping over sticks or riding a tricycle are vigorous play.

Quality early childhood programs have common principles, approaches, and tools that guide practice and there is recognition that children’s earliest experiences matter deeply, laying the foundation for lifelong learning, behavior, and health.

Families and communities are viewed as partners who strengthen the program’s ability to meet the needs of young children. Respect for diversity, equity and inclusion are acknowledged as essential for optimal development.

Here are some of my long-term goals:

My goal is to encourage and guide the physical, cognitive, language, emotional and social development of each child through imaginative play and creative learning.

My goal is to prepare our students for kindergarten while incorporating play and hands-on learning into the process.

My goal is to make sure that our children are receiving the best education to help them be whatever they are destine to become or do.

My goal is to make a differences in children and families lives.

My Farewell Message to My Instructor and Colleagues is from an Audio Podcast by Bishop T. D. Jakes- The Potter's House and The Greatness Zone (TGZ)- Introduction to The Greatness Zone

Images that Reflect What My Experience and Learning in the Program Means to Me:

My Wordle that Illustrates My Experiences and Learning in the MS ECS Program:

My Favorite Quotes:

1. It takes a village to raise a child

2. “Think before you speak. Read before you think.”
― Frances Ann Lebowitz, The Fran Lebowitz Reade

3. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bil Keane

4. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
 -2 Timothy 1:7

5. The LORD [is] my shepherd; I shall not want.
-Psalms 23:1

My Photo:

You can contact me through my Gmail or Facebook:
Gmail Address:
Facebook: LaCasa Mosby

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Job/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

I chose the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) as my first international organization because I remember it from a previous course. The "UNICEF has worked with a broad range of partners at global, regional, and country levels" (UNICEF, n.d.). This website was filled with a bunch of activities, events, and the press releases. I seen where it had a blog and it provided you with resources and statistics. There were several  job opportunities, but none of them interest me. I was displease because the UNICEF did not recruit volunteers directly or does not provide scholarships, fellowships or grants.

I chose the Save the Children as my second international organization as I stated before because I remember it from a previous course. "Save the Children invests in childhood – every day, in times of crisis and for our future. In the United States and around the world, we give children a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm" (Save the Children, 2011). You can make a one-time donation, monthly donation, or ways to give like make a gift donation, make a memorial gift, and sponsor a child along with other ways to help. We can get involved by being an advocate for children, becoming a fundraiser, and spreading the word or joining the cause. It were numerous of jobs and careers currently available, but none of them interest me because you are required to be full-time and I am not ready to leave the United States, so meantime I might visit or give a donation.

I chose the International Step By Step Association because I have never heard of it. "ISSA is a vibrant network that connects professionals and non-profit organizations working in the field of early childhood development and their mission s implemented through three main pillars of action: equal access for all children; promoting high-quality and professionalism in early years services and empowering parents and communities to be part of the children’s development and learning" (International Step By Step Association, n.d.). You can become a friend and join as a member or donate to this organization. I did not see no job opportunities, but I did notice that there is going to be an ISSA 2014 International Conference beginning October 10-12, 2014 in Budapest, Hungary and it is called "Creating a society for all: re-considering early childhood services."

International Step By Step Association. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

Save the Children. (2011). Retrieved from

 United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

Friday, July 25, 2014

Job/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

Here are my three National, Non-federal Organizations Serving the ECE Community:
(1). National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP)
(2). National Head Start Association (NHSA)
(3). Nemours

I chose the first organizations because poverty is a big issue world-wide and especially in the early childhood field. It is my hope and desire that poverty would decreased dramatically because I don't believe that it will ever end due to the fact that we take advantage of things such as clothes, food, shelter, water, and etc. My second choice was chosen because I am going to change my age group and focus on Head Start children for my Capstone Project because those years are very important and critical when it comes to play and hands on learning. The last organization was chosen because I had never heard of it before and it deals with "a children's health system devoted to treating and preventing illnesses from birth through adolescence while focusing on policy and practice changes that improve the environments where children live, learn and play" (

I did not find no job opportunities on the National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) websites, but I was interested in the Making Work Supports Work project because the "“Work support” benefits—such as earned income tax credits, child care subsidies, health insurance, and food stamps—can help families close the gap between low earnings and basic expenses, but work supports are means-tested, so families lose eligibility as they work and earn more and small increases in earnings can trigger sharp reductions in benefits, leaving families no better off—or even worse off—than before. In short, working more doesn't always pay" (

There were no job opportunities currently available, but there were NHSA Conferences and Training Opportunities that interest me such as the 2014 Fall Leadership Institute and the 31st Parent Conferences and Family Engagement Institutes. The Ongoing Training for the Spring 2014 Director's Webinar Series on Early Childhood Education interest me and it included many  on-demand webinars and our Innovations for Better Outcomes series. Also, the Ongoing Training for Basic Family Services and Basic Health Services Credentials Program in which "The National Head Start Association understands the importance of enlisting skilled family and health service professionals in providing comprehensive, high quality services to children and their families; therefore, NHSA offers two credentials that are specifically focused on these critical support services to families and The Basic Family Services and Basic Health Services Credentials Program is designed for Head Start family and health services providers to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in 12 competency areas and the Head Start Program Performance Standards" (

I could search jobs on the Nemours website, but the careers interest me such as the Therapy & Rehabilitation because I wanted to go to college for Sports Medicine and "they have access to a newly opened world-class Sports Medicine Center, offering expansive rehabilitative equipment and resources" (

National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP). (2014). Work support. Retrieved from

National Head Start Association (NHSA). (2014). NHSA conferences and training opportunities. Retrieved from

Nemours. (2014). Therapy & Rehabilitation. Retrieved from

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

The National AfterSchool Association (NAA), The National Center for Fair & Open Testing, and The STAND for children are organizations that are at the local and state level, but they are associated with communities of practice. I chose these three organizations based on my Capstone Project. because later on I know that it will be useful when it comes to the final project. Also, I wanted to find organizations that I have never heard of so that I could learn new information to share with my colleagues so that we can instill this knowledge into our children minds in hopes of them wanting to learn.

The NAA had three job opportunities currently available that interest me like Leadership at the Movies-Part 1 & 2, Talk Tuesday, and Ten Tips for Hiring. The National Center for Fair & Open Testing website did have a numerous of job opportunities which are currently available, but I just looked through a couple of pages and decided that the New Research, Good Reads interest me. The STAND for children website did have job opportunities that are currently available, but it did not interest me.

The Leadership at the Movies-Part 1 & 2 offers the first five leadership principles which can earn you "two thumbs up" from your colleagues and funders as well as the youth and families you serve and the last five principles are the next steps to completing that transformation. The Talk Tuesday helps our young people develop the skills and talents to find gainful employment and to attract businesses to our cities. The Ten Tips for Hiring provides you with ten steps to getting the right people in the door that will put you on track to strengthening your team. (National AfterSchool Association-NAA) and 

The New Research, Good Reads was a study that found a significant increase in incarceration rates for students who fail high-stakes exit exams. The Effect of High School Exit Exams on Graduation, Employment, Wages and Incarceration shows that students who fail these exams were more than 12 percent more likely to face incarceration than students who pass and these states also had lower graduation rates than states without these exams (National Center for Fair & Open Testing) 

I think that if you are apart of these organizations, then they will help you with the skills and experiences that you would need to competently fulfill each of these roles.

National AfterSchool Association (NAA). (n.d.). Retrieved from

National Center for Fair & Open Testing. (2013, Nov 9). New research, Good reads. Retrieved from

STAND for children. (n.d.). Employment opportunities. Retrieved from

Friday, June 27, 2014

Reflecting on Learning

I am excited that I have come this far with only eight weeks left before I will be graduating with my Masters. I am determined to stay focus with the Lord's help because I tend to get distracted, lazy, and procrastinate. In the future as an early childhood professional, my most passionate hope for the children and families with whom I work or will work is to apply what I have learned and put it into practice what I have been taught throughout this course of study to my personal and professional life. I am aware that all the books and resources in the world cannot teach me everything that I need to know about children and their families when working with them because some things will come from experiments, hands-on activities, observation/observing, persona dolls, personal stories, teachable moments, and etc.

To All My Colleagues:
First of all, I would like to say thank you all for being helpful and supportive of me throughout this program through your blogs and group discussions. Secondly, I am please to say that it was interesting and wonderful working with you all. Thirdly, I hope to see you all in our last course as we prepare to graduate together. Fourthly, I wish all of you the best in this educational and life journey! Lastly, but not least, I would like to thank Dr. Kien for all of her feedback on my papers which will help me in the future and for grading and responding to all of my questions in a timely manner. I enjoyed working with you as well.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Impacts on Early Emotional Development

To my colleagues, I chose France as the area of the world because I have always dreamed of visiting it. I have seen in books, magazines, movies, and on television how they show France as being beautiful to me. The language of the people is spoken in French in which I know a little of it because I took classes in high school. It has been a  many years ago since I have spoken French. I will have to refresh  my mind by getting a tutor to help me or by listening to cds that can teach me as well.

One challenge that children in this region of the world are confronting would be a series of workshops on the conditions of vulnerable children. It is estimated that more than 2 million French children are living below the European poverty line. Another challenge was to stop the recruitment of children in armed conflict. A third challenge is when 2 million children are trafficked worldwide and more than 100,000 websites use pornographic pictures or videos of children. The last challenge was when a boy orphaned by AIDS demand action for children. These experiences might have an effect on children's emotional well-being and development because "AIDS related illness killed more than half a million children worldwide and 540,00 children under the age of 15 became infected with HIV" (UNICEF).

My personal and professional reflection is when "UNICEF France Chairman Jacques Hintzy states that millions of children in the country, especially those from diverse backgrounds were living in poverty and exclusion in which tens of thousands of teenagers have expressed their anxiety about the future" (UNICEF). The insights that I gained is how France has to depend on other people and partner with organizations and nations to help children with AIDS/HIV, child exploitation, children in armed conflict, and promotion of children's rights. These influences they may have on me as a person and as an early childhood professional is to ensure the children, parents, and teachers that there are interventions and resources that will help them to face challenges and illnesses whenever they do occur.

UNICEF. (22005). At a glance: France.  Retrieved from

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Sexualization of Early Childhood

My reaction to the topic of the sexualization of early childhood would be that children learn from their environment whether it is negative or positive through others,music,siblings,television,and etc.The first part of this topic was shocking , but as I began to read on,it was very informative, insightful, and interesting. It was nice to know that help is on the way even though "today's sexualized childhood is very distressing and there's no way around that "(Levin & Kilbourne, 2009, p.7).From my personal experience, I have seen a bunch of bullying, child abuse and neglect, and domestic violence that further illustrate the exposure of young children to a highly sexualized environment.

One implication that this may have on children's healthy development is that it can affect children s brain development even if they are are not the victim and it will lead to problems with the emotions and behavior which makes it complicated for them to learn .Another implication is when children are affected by the stress of violence which affects their growing brain and might delay normal childhood milestones. A third implication is when children are being harmed as a very way of getting at the other adult and child's needs might be neglected.The last implication is that the children who are being bullied are more than likely to be prone to depression and suicidal tendencies even when they grow up and they are most likely to be sick with headaches and stomach troubles.As an early childhood professional,to the best of my response to these concern and to reduce the negative impact on children i would change attitudes,support the victims,teach children to have acceptable behavior towards each others,supervise aggressive behavior into acceptable activities. The way in which my awareness of the sexualization of early childhood has been influenced and/or modified by studying the topic this week is that children are more knowledgeable and wiser about learning and paying close attention to their surroundings.

Levin, D. E., & Kilbourne, J. (2009). [Introduction]. So sexy so soon: The new sexualized childhood and what parents can do to protect their kids (pp. 1-8). New York: Ballantine Books. Retrieved from: