Sunday, March 23, 2014

Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation.

  • Your response to those who believe that early childhood centers should avoid the inclusion of books depicting gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families
At first I would use to say avoid, but in today's society parents, siblings, and others are willing to buy their children books so that they can read and learn and more than likely the books will depict gay or lesbian individuals such as same-sex partnered families even if the child might not understand and know what it means. I know that since we live in a diverse world that these books can introduce and teach children to distinguish between men/women through non-stereotypical activities and encouragement to take a variety of roles without the limits of gender bias and also it encourages the transformation of play areas into restaurants, factories, theaters, mechanic shops, construction sites, hospitals, and so forth (Course Media: "Start Seeing Diversity: Gender").

  • How you would respond to a parent/family members who informed you they did not want anyone who is perceived (or self-reported) homosexual or transgender to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their child
I would tell them that they should not be so judgmental towards a person's sexuality because you should get to know them first in order to pass judgment and then you can see from personal experiences how this person truly is which can help you to make your decision about homosexual or transgender without all the rumors. I would ask them what if the shoe was on the other foot and how would you feel? I would explain to them that know matter what sexual orientation a person chooses to be should not give you the privilege to discriminate against. Whatever they do in their personal life is their businesses as long as it is not affecting to be caring for, educating, and/or interacting with their children.

  • If you have ever used or heard homophobic terms such as "fag," "gay," "homo," "sissy," "tom boy," or "lesbo" as an insult by a child toward another child? Or, by an adult toward a child? Describe what occurred. How might these types of comments influence all children?
I use to work for a Boys And Girls Club of the Miss-Lou and these children love to say man you gay and quite acting like a sissy if they got hurt during and was crying during activities such as basketball, dodge-ball, football, kickball, and so on. Sometimes when they be in the classroom and a child spoke intelligent (proper) or if their voice was not deep, then they would bust out laughing saying he/she is gay and if a boy would have a twist with his walk, then they would be laughing and telling the other children he a fag. When the girls would  go in and come out the restroom hugging each other and laughing, then someone would scream ugh you all are lesbians. Back in my days when I was coming up I heard all of these homophobic terms being used as an insult by a child toward another child which seem to be common where as now people act like this is something brand new. These types of comments might influence all children in a different way because some make take it offensive or be on the defensive side. It can have a negative and positive effect on all children because it can either break or make them.

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