Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Adjourning Phase

I was in this Christian group called Women of Faith (WOF). I feel like the adjourning aspect of this group was the hardest to say good-bye because we had established a spiritual connection and friendships amongst us and other colleagues. It allowed us to fellowship through bible study, extra-curricular activities, and programs on campus. Most of us stayed in the same dorms and others stayed in different ones, but we would meet in the lobby of the dorm in which I was living in. We stayed in touch with each other by cell phones and email addresses because we knew that this group would end when we all graduated. Our ritual was that we meet at church and have a banquet which involved dinner, preaching, socialization, and reminiscing about the good/bad times in which we all shared.

I think that high-performing groups and groups with the clearest established norms are the hardest to leave because it is about helping each other, learning from failure, sharing information, and trust. They are firm believers when it comes to their vision and being successful. I will adjourn from the group of colleagues in which I have formed while working on my master's degree in this program by wishing everyone the best in their education and life journey. The only communication that I would have with my colleagues is through a social network such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter or if they continue to respond to my blogs. Adjourning is an essential stage of teamwork because the project is coming to an end and the team members are moving off into different directions (Abudi, G., 2010).


  1. LaCasa,
    Thank you for sharing with us about your experience with your Women of Faith group. A group such as that one is a great asset to have, especially in such an uncertain environment such as college. Do you still communicate with members from your WoF group? I agree that it may be difficult to maintain contact with our colleagues that we have gained while working on our programs, but it would be good to exchange information so that we could possibly meet up if any of us have to travel for conferences or trainings.


    1. Hello Tiffany,
      Yes some of us do stay in contact. One of the girls tried to restart the group again, but something came up and she had to cancel it.

  2. LaCasa,
    What a great group to be involved with, I am sure it was difficult to adjourn. Some of my fondest memories are those memories made while sharing my spirituality. I am uncertain as to what will happen with my connection to my colleagues, but I am definitely open to keeping up a communication via social media.
