Saturday, November 16, 2013

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

The first person was a female and my family member. Her response to culture and diversity. She state everything is culture such as beliefs, family, morals, values, and your environment/surroundings all the way down to the foods that we eat. She said that diversity is a broad topic, but it is different religions and beliefs systems. For example, Baptist, Buddhism, Catholic, Hinduism, and etc., all of them believe and practiced differently.

The second person was a male and an acquaintance. His response to culture and diversity. He stated that culture is based on your environment, what you learn/learned, and what you see/seen. He said that diversity is two words; di is a prefix meaning split or more than one and versity is harmony. A person is diverse and not contained or restricted to a specific ideological.

The third person was a female and my former instructor. Her response to culture and diversity. She stated that when she think of culture, she think of learned behavior and norms. She said that when she think of diversity, she think of multiculturalism. 

I know that some aspects of culture and diversity were included in the answers that I received. One person mentioned surface culture, but all three of them basically touched on deep culture. From the answers that were provided, I feel as though they are knowledgeable and understanding about culture and diversity. I noticed that each person provided different definitions of these words, but they were still connected to one another. I like the way the second person broke down diversity, and then explained it.

The aspects of things that we can't see have been omitted. For example, the oxygen that we breath everyday. 

Thinking about other people's definitions of culture and diversity influenced my own thinking about these topics because I understand that not everyone is alike and they don't think the same way either. I think that people's experiences is what brings us together so that we can help each other to learn. 


  1. LaCasa,

    It is interesting to me that the people that you interviewed shared more about deep culture than they did about surface culture. I say this because personally, when I think about these to words and what they mean to me, I would have initially defined them in a more surface culture type definition. I do agree with you in that people's experiences being what brings us together so that we can help each other learn!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Amy McCoig

  2. LaCasa,

    I like how the second person defined culture as well. I like that he incorporated harmony in the definition. I think that is a positive way to look at the word and how we go about life.
