Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Family Culture

The three items that I hold dear and that represent my family culture:

The three items I would choose that hold dear and represent my family culture would be a radio, my Bible, and my cellphone. I would use a radio to help me listen to music and the weather. Also, it can keep me updated with news on the country and the surrounding areas.

The second item I would choose to take would be my Bible because I must continue to practice our beliefs, morals, and values in God. I must have faith and trust in him that he will supply all my needs and wants. The Bible would be a source of spiritual nutrition. Therefore, the food from God's word will help me ti live his life day by day. Also, God's words will be essential for my spiritual growth.

My third item to take with me would be my cellphone. It will be my source of communication to get acquainted with new people in order to establish friendships. I would have photos of my family in my cellphone as memories. I could connect to WiFi to get internet access so that I can social network on sites such as Facebook, OoVoo, and Skype, playing games, and listening to music.

Upon arrival, if I was told that I could only keep one personal item and have to give up the other two items that I brought with me, then I would keep my Bible. The Bible will prove that my faith in God will not waver. It shows that he is very important in my life. I would be able to read his word and it provide me with encouraging and motivating scriptures that will help me through the day. Also, it will help me through my trials-and-tribulations of life. I will be willing to ministered his word to people and hopefully I can save sinners soul even if I save at least one.

I feel like this exercise made me realize that we never imagine a major catastrophic event and what special items we would take with us until it happens to other or someone close to us. Afterwards, we might prepare our family just in case it happens again. I feel as though we take events, life, situations, and things for granted. Most of us are selfish because we are beyond blessed compared to other countries.


  1. LaCasa,
    Great Post! I know for me it was hard to choose the three objects I would bring with me. I found it even harder to choose only one of those three. I thought this assignment was very eye opening for the same reason. We never think about anything like this happening to us.

    It is interesting because in my professional development today, there was a segment on student behaviors and why they choose to behave the way they do. We learned there are three phases: needs, emotions, and experiences. We were then told that there were a majority of our students who have experienced on more than one occasion, being homeless, not knowing the next time they would eat, sexual and domestic abuse, etc. I never knew that either but again we never think anything like that would happen to us.

    I think we take for granted the life we are fortunate enough to live. I like how you chose the Bible so all the reasons you gave. I know I said I would also bring my Bible as one of my three, but that was not the one item I would bring.

    Thanks for your post.

  2. LaCasa,
    Thanks for sharing! I agree that too many people take the things that they have for granted. Our society is obsessed with getting ahead and having lots of material possessions. I, too, find myself caught up in all this but I try to live in a way that demonstrates to others the real things that matter most.

  3. LaCasa:
    I found it so hard to only pick three items to bring with me. I like you picked a religious item, then decided to go with a family photo album and a heritage Native American statue. I found myself really getting into this assignment; getting confused and overwhelmed, ending up asking my family members what they would take.
    Good Post!

    Fran Logan
