Friday, September 20, 2013

Research that Benefits Children and Families-Uplifting Stories

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I would like to share with my colleagues a published research article concerning children or families that I came across called New Study On Homosexual Parents Tops All Previous Research. The link to the website is : I find this article interesting because the question that was asked is Do children who are raised by homosexual parents or caregivers suffer for disadvantages in comparison to children raised by a married mother and father? This question is essential to political and ethical debates over adoption, foster care, and artificial reproductive technology, and it is highly relevant to the raging debate over same-sex "marriage." The argument that "children" need a mom and a dad" is central to the defense of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. In conclusion, the article by Marks and Regnerous have completely changed the playing field for debates about homosexual parents, "gay families," and same sex "marriage." The myths that children of homosexual parents are "no different" from other children and suffer "no harm" from being raised by homosexual parents have been shattered forever.

I chose this topic because there has been so much controversial about children raised by their married mother and father. I feel like there is nothing wrong with homosexual parents rearing children, but at a age where the children can understand the concept of homosexuality. I feel like people should not be held accountable for who they are or what they choose to become. Just because parents are married does not mean that the children will be reared better. Homosexual parents can teach the children about living in your true identity and not hiding it, whereas married parents will more than likely criticized the child/children for being homosexual and asking the question why. The above research study clarified the misconceptions and myths about children being reared by homosexual parents. I will continue to believe that everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.   

1 comment:

  1. LaCasa,

    You chose such a strong and powerful topic in the early childhood field right now. While I personally do not believe in same sex marriage, I do believe that all children should have the opportunity to grow up in a family with two loving parents, even if that means that they are homosexual parents. Everyone does deserve a chance to prove themselves and children deserve the right to grow up in a loving family.

